We're about Everyone!

Here at Adapt our goal is very simple. We want to show people kindness is anyway we possibly can. It can be rather challenging to go up to a random person and talk to them about their feelings. So what better way to impact someone's emotions, just have what you'd like to say on you and they can read it for themselves!

The mission is to make sure everybody knows they are loved, even by some stranger walking by them. It's these small gestures that can make a serious impact on people's lives.

This phrase "Become yourself" hit us like a ton of bricks when we first dug into it. No one realizes right away but we all put this fake mask of ourselves that we think people want to see from us, but it's not the real you. Stripping that mask off and really becoming yourself is the first steps into bettering you and really seeing how beautiful you really are. We want to be here through it all. It's not an easy process, but it is a necessary one.

We are also trying to get our hands into more charity work as well! Hoping one day to run a charity of our own! With the support of this amazing community i have no doubt that we will get there one day. But we want to start spreading the love now!

There are so many different plans and exciting ideas getting brought to the table to spread the word of mental health. From Give aways, to even going to events and markets to see what we can do to make an impact there!

The future is bright and we cannot wait to get there with you. Lets strive to make the world a better place

- Justin

CEO of Adapt